Monday, June 25, 2012

Here We Go Again.....

Dr. Z is pretending today's blood work results don't exist. I know he didn't want to run them, but Fran is my hero as always and got me in. They checked my beta and my progesterone. My progesterone DID drop a little to 31.5,  but it's still above 30, so he's happy with that and not making any changes to my bloodwork.

My beta is 42 on 9dp3dt. According to BetaBase, that is just above the median, so I will take it. 

Dr Z is bringing me back for my "official" beta and progesterone check on wednesday and then again on friday, like today never happened.  All I know is, today, I am pregnant. Heather (my acupuncturist) says I'm VERY pregnant. I feel good. Early pregnancy spotting/bleeding is normal and much easier for me to deal with than having another failed IVF cycle. 

That's definitely two lines.

I'm pregnant. 


  1. YEAH YOU ARE! Go Mama!! Go Embies!

  2. HOLY CRAP!!! I knew it!!! Congratulations!!! Woohooo!!! If I could do a cartwheel right now, I totally would be!! Can't wait to see how many are in there. :)

    1. I'd pay money to see you do a cartwheel right now. ;)

      I think there's only one. But I guess we'll see.

    2. Ha!! I can barely get myself from sitting to standing!

  3. I'm so happy for you! Stick, baby, stick!!

  4. I have chil bumps. I am so excited for you! Ahhh! Best news I've heard today!

  5. What a great number! congrats!
