Monday, June 4, 2012

First Pen Down

I think it's funny that the gonal-f pen comes with so many needles. Sometimes I wonder if anyone actually uses that many for one pen. All I know is that today is stims day 4, and my first pen is down. 

I can definitely feel some sort of action going on in my ovaries, the left more so than the right. But I know the right one is a little further behind my uterus, so I wonder if that make me able to feel it a little bit less. I guess I'll find out for sure tomorrow morning.

By this time tomorrow, I will already be on my way home from monitoring #3.2. I will know how I'm stimming; if this tripled AMH (still crap, but less crap) is making any difference, and what my risk for cancelation is. I feel like tomorrow means almost as much as whatever happens on retrieval day. I'll never forget crying my eyes out on my way home, on that day 2 cycles ago, when I was told that there was a good chance I might be canceled. I hope to never hear those words again.

So, sacrifice a chicken, cross everything, throw some salt, say a prayer, light a candle and smoke 'em if you got 'em. I need all the luck I can get.

*\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/*

A few vag cheerleaders never hurt.


  1. Good luck tomorrow, Gen! If you're already feeling some action, I think you are likely to get a good report. And to answer your question about who actually uses all of those needles, when I was doing injectable IUIs with low doses of stims, I would definitely use up all of the needles that came with a single pen!

    1. I'd offer to save them for you - but I've never been happier to NOT have to make an offer like that ever in my life. <3
